Moka pot and Pour over coffee are some of the best ways to brew your own coffee at home. They both offer some control over the end result and are very affordable. You should know that making coffee in either is not as simple as pressing a button. Keep reading to find out more about the two methods and decide which one is better for you!
What Makes a Coffee Great?
There are three main variables in the coffee grounds that affect the brew's taste. These are where and how the beans are grown and how darkly the coffee is roasted.

Roasting is all about personal taste. If you ask a coffee expert, there is no wrong, and there is no right. Comparing the two types of coffee roasts can be like comparing a rare steak versus a well-done one. There are people who like each.
Another important factor that makes the difference between good and not-so-good coffee is its freshness. Once you expose the coffee to oxygen, it starts to lose its flavor and freshness. This is why you should make sure that your coffee was roasted within the past couple of weeks and is vacuum-sealed.
One more significant factor that will affect your coffee's taste is brewing. Pour over, and Moka pot coffee are among the most liked types of brew. As with everything, though, it's up to personal preference.
What most people look for in their morning cup of brew is the richness of the flavor, the coffee's smoothness, and the aroma with just a pinch of bitterness in the taste. One of the best features of both Moka pot coffee and Pour over coffee is that you have a lot of freedom to make the brew just the way you like it.
What is a Moka Pot?

A Moka pot is one of the most widely spread ways to make coffee in Italy. It was first invented and patented in 1933 by the Italian engineer and inventor Alfonso Bialetti. The first Moka pots were made out of aluminum, and it didn't take long before it became one of the symbols of Italy that we know today.
In the past 88 years, some things have changed in the Moka pot, but the brewing method stays the same. It makes coffee by generating steam pressure.
Moka pots have three main components. At the bottom, you have the lower chamber (boiler), where you pour in the water. On its side, you have a safety valve to release the excessive steam if there is too much of it. To make sure your Moka pot makes excellent coffee, you should pour water to the safety valve's edge.
If you keep going higher, you will find the funnel tank. On top of it, goes the filter. This is where your coffee grounds go. You should keep in mind that you shouldn't use coffee grounds that are too fine. This will make your coffee bland.
The top part is known as the upper chamber or the kettle. This is where the finished brew goes. When the water reaches its boiling point and turns to steam, it pushes through the coffee grounds, up the tower, and into the kettle. To make sure your coffee is done, listen to the gurgling sound. You don't have to wait for the kettle to be full to take it off the stove. We actually recommend that you don't.
What Are the Advantages of a Moka pot?
A Moka pot or stovetop espresso maker is a tiny coffee maker. It is small enough to let you brew a cup of Joe anywhere you go. It makes a relatively strong coffee that is just a little weaker than espresso.
Another great advantage is that it is significantly less complicated to brew coffee in a Moka pot than a Pour over. All you need is a little preheated water and good coffee. To ensure you get the best-tasting coffee, you should wait for a few minutes and listen to that gurgling sound mentioned.
A cup of Moka coffee is bold and rich, just like the Italians have it. You can use stainless steel Moka pots on any sort of stove, from gas to even induction. If your Moka pot is an aluminum model, it won't work on an induction stove.
Compared to Pour over coffee, a cup of brew from a Moka pot will take slightly less time which might be vital if you are in a hurry.
As the Moka pot has thick walls, it will retain heat in a way the Pour over brewers won't. This way, you will enjoy warmer, richer coffee, and if you are making coffee for more people, you won't have to wait as long as the first time for the second brew.
One of the most significant advantages of using Moka pots is that they don't require special accessories. Your Moka pot comes with everything you need. All it requires is some coffee and water.
What is Pour Over?
The Pour over method of making coffee involves pouring hot water through coffee grounds in a filter. As the water goes through the coffee, it makes the brew. Pour over is also known as filter or drip coffee. These terms also include batch coffee makers, though.
What makes Pour over different from all the other ways to make coffee is that it is made by manually pouring water over the coffee, so that's why some call it manual or hand brewing. This technique has been used in Europe for more than a century and for even longer in other places. It has been recently rediscovered, though.
Pour over is an excellent option if you prefer a lighter roast or are a fan of sweet flavors and balanced acidity.
Just like a Moka pot, Pour over offers a lot of control over the end brew. A major difference is that you only need a Moka pot for a Moka coffee, and for Pour over, you will need some more accessories.
What Are the Advantages of Pour Over?
Pour over coffee is preferred by lots of people for its low acidity. Not only that, but it is also a very quick and easy way to make coffee. It can be used for any type of brew, from French press to filter brews.
Pour over is an excellent option if you are a beginner coffee maker. It is pretty straightforward, and the paper filters it uses are easy to clean and reuse. Also, if you don't have a lot of time to make your brew, Pour over only takes a few seconds once you have the coffee in the filter and your water heated. That is if you have already spent some time learning how to do it right and don’t have to think about it.
Most coffee experts will agree that Pour over is a method that is nearly as good as espresso. To get that better coffee, though, you will need to know what you are doing and will probably have a cup or two of lousy coffee before you get it right.
A cup of Pour over coffee is very sophisticated. It manages to capture the undertones of the flavor most coffee makers miss. What you are left with is a light and sweet cup of brew with various flavors that you taste with each sip.
The Showdown: Moka Pot vs. Pour Over
So, in short, both the Moka pot and the Pour over coffee have their advantages and disadvantages. They both make great coffee, and they both let you be artistic with your brew. The Moka pot comes from Italy and makes what most would call proper Italian coffee. They both have a few disadvantages too. There is a learning curve that you need to go through, and they both require some practice.
How Long Does It Take to Brew?
Both methods won't take long till you have a steaming hot brew. There is one catch, though. Till you get to the point where brewing only takes a few minutes, you will probably have to throw out a few cups of coffee.
Once you know what works and what doesn't, a brew will take around three to four minutes for Pour over. That includes the time water takes to heat up, pouring it into the filter, which needs to be done slowly and the dripping part.
Brewing in a Moka pot should roughly take the same time. This can vary depending on the temperature of the water you pour into the boiler when you start. We recommend that you use hot water, so your coffee doesn't have a metallic taste.
What Coffee Grounds Can You Use?
The perfect grind is where one of the main differences between the methods is.
The Moka pot is a little more temperamental when it comes to the grind. You shouldn't pick coffee grounds that are as finely ground as the ones you'd put in an espresso machine. The perfect grind for a Moka pot is medium-fine. This way, you know the steam will extract the best flavor out of it, and you're not going to end up with a bland cup of brew.
With Pour over, you have a little more freedom over what grind you are going to use. Here it depends mainly on your taste and how much coffee you are brewing. What you should know is that the finer the grind, the shorter the contact time required. This means that a medium-coarse grind will need a longer time than a medium-fine one.
How Easy Is It to Brew?
There is a learning curve to both brewing methods. The Moka pot is usually easier to grasp. There aren't that many variables that you should understand here. Some essential tips we can give you are never to tamp your coffee and to start with hot water.
When it comes to Pour over, everything is done by hand. This is why it is a little harder to get right at first. Here you should be careful with the filter you use, how you put it, and especially with how fast you pour water. Most Pour over experts recommend that you take around 15-20 seconds so it can evenly go through the entire grind. Also, here it is important that you buy quality gear which can be expensive.
How Much Control Do You Have Over Your Coffee?
The level of control you have over your brew is usually opposite to how easy it is to make a cup of coffee. Each method offers significant freedom over how your coffee is going to end up.
Moka pots are a little more limiting, though. This method is a little more automated, so this is why you don't have as much control. You still have more freedom when compared to other methods.
One of the reasons people like Pour over is that they can easily add additional flavors to it, which is more limited with Moka pots.
How Good Is the Coffee?
You can't go wrong with both. There are many recipes online that will help you make great coffee no matter what method you choose. If you do your research and follow a recipe or a guide, you will end up with a great cup of coffee either way.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do Moka Pots Make Espresso?
The name of espresso comes from the Italian word for "pressed out". They call it that way because the steam presses out the brew. If you go by this definition, then yes, it's espresso.
It is not as strong as regular espresso. An espresso machine uses up to 4 times as much pressure so that it can press out a much stronger brew.
Is Stovetop Espresso the Same as Moka?
Yes, the Moka pot and stovetop espresso maker are the same. It is called stovetop espresso as it uses the same method as an espresso maker and is brewed on a stovetop.
Who Is Each Coffee Maker For?
Both coffee makers make fantastic coffee. Pour over would be better for you if you like to take your time to learn a new skill and want to have as much control as you can over the brew you are making.
A Moka pot can be a wonderful solution for homemade coffee. It will be the best method if you don't have that much time to spend on getting your coffee right. It will be just as good, if not better, than Pour over, and the learning curve is not as steep.
If you think that Moka pot is the best method for you, check out our catalog of Moka pots of the highest quality stainless steel!