How to Tamp Espresso [Includes Pro Tips, Tool Hacks & More]

How to Tamp Espresso [Includes Pro Tips, Tool Hacks & More]

When it comes to brewing a perfect shot of espresso, the secret lies all in the wrist - the espresso tamping technique. This one technique separates the rookies from the pros, the bland shots from the delicate ones, and the weak from the strong.

It's basically an art, a skill, a secret handshake between every espresso connoisseur and their rich, flavorful cup of thick morning Joe!

Ready to find out how to pack espresso the right way? 

How to Tamp Espresso the Right Way – A Quick Guide!

To tamp your espresso perfectly, follow this quick 4-step guide:

  1. Pour the coffee beans from the grinder into your portafilter and distribute the grounds carefully to make sure the bed is level
  2. Next, rest the portafilter on an even surface and place the tamper on top of it. Avoid any gaps. You can use an espresso tamp mat for best results
  3. Stand side facing the portafilter and hold the tamper with a doorknob grip. Keep your arm and elbow perpendicular
  4. Apply a light force to achieve even compression

While there is no one right way to tamp your espresso, all tamping methods work to avoid the common mistakes that can make your espresso coffee extract taste unpleasant. We’ll touch more on this as we get further into the blog.

Why Tamp Espresso – The Science Behind the Seeming Madness

Tamping helps to eliminate air pockets from your espresso, creating a compact coffee bed with a uniform density. This promotes optimal extraction time during the brewing process, allowing water to fully interact with the beans and max extract the flavor, oils, and aroma to pull out a perfect cup of coffee. 

Without tamping, water would flow through the grounds too quickly, resulting in a weak and unbalanced espresso taste.

Using an espresso tamper kit is recommended for achieving the best tamping results.

How Hard Should You Tamp Espresso?

When tamping espresso, you only need to tamp hard enough to eliminate the air pockets within the coffee grounds and create a level bed. It’s a binary thing, and over time, you'll develop a sense of how hard to tamp down based on your technique and the feel of the coffee grounds. 

Once you figure out what works for you, stick to it and remain consistent. That’s more important than anything else.

Does Tamping Pressure Matter?

Of course, tamping pressure matters, but only to the point where the loose spots are eliminated and there are no air pockets remaining within the coffee grounds. Beyond that, pressure does nothing but only increase your chances of straining or injuring your arm in the long run. 

While many baristas and experts recommend an espresso tamping pressure of around 13 kgs (or 30 pounds), it’s certainly not a given thing. Some people hit ideal tamping with just 20-pound force. Others find their way at even lower thresholds. 

Pro Tip: Try using calibrated espresso tampers. These ingeniously designed tools have a moving top that produces a “click” sound once you reach the proper tamping depth or pressure. They help you stay consistent with your tamping technique regardless of the different grind sizes, eliminating the guesswork from the tamping process. Lux Haus’s calibrated pressure tampers can help you achieve the perfect tamp with ease. 

What If You Don’t Tamp the Espresso Hard Enough?

Insufficient pressure during espresso tamping can leave air pockets in your coffee bed, causing channeling. This leads to uneven extraction as water finds paths of least resistance, resulting in an under-extracted espresso. The espresso machine's water flows through untamped coffee quickly, failing to extract the flavorful oils and essences. The result is an underwhelming shot.

Can You Tamp Espresso Twice?

Tamping espresso twice can compact the coffee grounds too much, making it difficult for water to pass through. It's also likely to prolong extraction time, potentially extracting bitter flavors from the coffee. The golden rule? One even, firm tamp is all you need!

Should You Twist the Tamper During Tamping?

Twisting the tamper, also known as 'polishing', is a common barista trick. However, it can disrupt the compactness and levelness of the coffee grounds and potentially create uneven density within the puck. Rather than twisting, focus on applying even pressure for a smooth, flat tamp. Remember, the goal with tamping is even extraction and not a polished look.

The Four Steps of the Tamping Procedure 

Espresso tamping consists of four essential steps that form the foundation of a well-executed tamp. These steps, rooted in the basics of tamping, ensure a consistent and even extraction during the espresso brewing process.

Step #1: Prepare the Puck for Tamping

Before tamping, it is crucial to properly prepare the coffee puck for tamping and extraction. Weigh the coffee beans on a weighing scale to ensure consistent dosing. Add the beans to the grinder to get the coffee grounds. Next, pour the grounds inside the portafilter basket and distribute them evenly to break down any clumps. Again, this is important to prevent uneven extraction.

You can use different distribution tools for this particular espresso puck prep step. Wedge discs, distribution needles, and vibrator distribution tools from Nurri are some examples worth mentioning.

Short on budget? You can also use manual methods such as Stockfleth and NSEW hand-technique for coffee distribution. They won’t give you the cleanest puck, but they are good enough to achieve optimal distribution. 

Pro Tip: Place filter paper on the bottom of your portafilter basket before adding grounds to it to achieve better extraction at faster pull-out times.  

Step #2: Get the Tamping Set Up Ready

To ensure a successful tamping process, it is crucial to have the right setup, including utilizing an espresso tamp mat. An espresso tamp mat provides stability during tamping and protects your kitchen countertop. It ensures a level surface for consistent tamping results. 

Additionally, you must use the right size tamper with a flat base. Basically, there should be very little to no gap on the outside when the tamper is in contact with the coffee bed. Avoid plastic tampers as they lack the necessary weight and precision.

Pro tip: Puck screens can be great additions to your tamping toolkit. They sit on top of your coffee puck and promote even water distribution. They also help prevent excessive expansion during pre-infusion.

Step #3: Position Your Body and Hand and Elbow the Right Way

Knowing how to hold a tamper and position your body when tamping espresso is key to achieving optimal and consistent tamping. 

Stand side facing to the tamping surface, with your tamping shoulder closest to it. Hold the tamper with a doorknob grip, the way you would hold a doorknob. 

Next, bend your elbow to create a 90-degree angle, aligning your wrist with the tamper. This position helps distribute force evenly and minimizes strain on your wrist. 

Step #4: Apply a Light Force to the Coffee Tamper

Applying the right pressure is crucial in achieving an evenly compressed coffee puck. While it is important to apply sufficient force, it is equally essential to avoid overexertion. Use a light to moderate amount of pressure without exerting excessive strength. The weight of your arm should be sufficient to achieve the desired compression.

Avoid bending your wrist, as this can lead to uneven tamping. A single firm tap ensures the tamper comes out nicely, whereas repeated tamping can create suction and disturb the puck.

And there you have it - you can now mount the tamped portafilter on your espresso machine and treat yourself to a rich, flavorful cup of coffee. 

3 Espresso Tamping Techniques Professional Baristas Use

Professional baristas use different gripping techniques for tamping espresso. Whether you have an espresso machine at home or work in a coffee shop, knowing these techniques will prove valuable in achieving a perfect tamp every time. 

The Doorknob Handle Technique

This technique is widely taught in cafes and is relatively easy to execute. We use it too for tamping our coffee here at Lux Haus. Here's how to do it:

i) Hold your tamper like you would hold a doorknob
ii) Position your body parallel to the table you're tamping on
iii) Press down on the espresso with your elbow at a 90-degree angle
iv) Maintain consistent pressure to achieve an even tamp

The Three-Finger Tamp Technique

This is another popular method among professional baristas, and many find it effective.

i) Hold the tamper with three fingers on the edge of the tamping surface
ii) As you press down on the espresso beans, feel for the brim of the portafilter
iii) Continue pressing until your three fingers reach the brim of the portafilter
iv) This technique ensures an even and symmetrical tamp

Note that some baristas prefer to use two fingers instead of three. Both variations are effective in achieving a perfect tamp every time.

The Thumb and Finger(s) Method

This technique allows you to face the tamper head-on and is popular among baristas who take part in professional competitions. It may not be the most ergonomic method, but it is excellent for achieving a precise tamp. Follow these steps:

i) Use your thumb and one or two fingers on the opposite end of the tamper
ii) Press down evenly on the espresso while maintaining a steady grip.
iii) Ensure that the pressure is distributed uniformly across the surface for a perfect tamp

This method was also used by the winner of the 2019 World Barista Championship in Boston.

You can experiment with each of these techniques to see which one works best for you. Remember that the key to a great espresso is a consistent and even tamp, so practice the techniques regularly to improve and perfect your espresso-making skills.

5 Don’ts of Espresso Tamping

When tamping espresso, it's important to be aware of the don'ts that can negatively impact the final extraction. Here are the key things to avoid when tamping espresso:

Don't Tamp with the Handle Sitting on the Spouts

Tamping with the handle resting on the spouts can cause coffee grounds to end up in your cup and potentially damage the spouts. Always ensure the handle is lifted off the spouts during tamping.

Don't Tamp on an Angle

Tamping on an uneven or angled surface can lead to uneven extractions. It's crucial to ensure the espresso basket is level on the bench before tamping to promote consistent water flow through the coffee bed.

Don't Use an Incorrect Grip or Inconsistent Pressure

Holding the tamper incorrectly or applying inconsistent pressure can result in an uneven density within the coffee bed, leading to inconsistent flow in your shots. Maintain a proper grip with your hand around the base and fingers on the edge, applying consistent pressure throughout the tamping process.

Don't Add More Coffee After Tamping

Adding more coffee beans after you’ve already tamped the group handle can create two distinct layers within the coffee bed, resulting in poorer extraction and an imbalanced flavor profile. 

Don't Tap the Portafilter After Tamping

Many people tap the portafilter after tamping to clean the grounds from the edge of the group handle. This should be avoided because tapping can introduce air pockets in your coffee bed and disrupt the coffee puck. 

By being mindful of these common tamping mistakes, you can enhance the quality of your espresso extractions and avoid practices that may impact the taste and consistency of your shots.

How to Tamp Espresso without a Tamper

Tamping espresso without a tamper is not recommended. But if you find yourself out of options, here are a few alternatives you can try:

  • The Back of a Spoon: A spoon with a flat and sturdy back can serve as a makeshift tamper. Place the spoon on top of the coffee bed and apply firm and even pressure to create a compact surface. Be cautious not to use too much force, as it may result in an uneven tamp.
  • Bottom of a Measuring Cup: You can also use a measuring cup with a flat bottom to tamp your coffee. Press the bottom of the measuring cup against the coffee bed, applying even pressure to create a level and compressed surface.
  • Your Palm: In a pinch, you can use the palm of your hand as a makeshift tamper. Ensure your palm is clean and dry, then press it gently but firmly against the bed of coffee, exerting even pressure to achieve a uniform tamp.

While these alternative methods can provide a temporary solution, it's important to note that using a proper tamper designed for espresso tamping is the best approach. Investing in a high-quality tamper will ensure consistent results and better control over the extraction process.

Frequently Asked Questions About Espresso Tamping

What is the Ideal Tamping Pressure?

Most experts recommend a tamping pressure in the range of 20-30 pounds (13.6 kg) as a good starting point. However, it’s completely possible to achieve tamping at lower pressures depending on the coffee grind size and your espresso machine specs. It’s best to use a calibrated tamper when brewing coffee and staying consistent with what works for you.

What Happens If You Tamp Espresso Too Hard? 

Tamping espresso too hard can lead to over-extraction, where water flows through the coffee bed too quickly, extracting excessive solubles and resulting in a bitter and unpleasant taste. It can also cause the coffee puck to become too compact, leading to restricted water flow and uneven extraction. Find the right balance to avoid these issues.

Do You Tamp Moka Pot Espresso?

No, you do not need to tamp Moka Pot espresso. The brewing process of a Moka Pot relies on the pressure created by steam, not tamping. Simply fill the coffee chamber with untamped coffee, level them off, and screw the top and bottom chambers together. The pressure buildup during brewing will extract the espresso-like coffee without tamping.


Mastering the art of espresso tamping is the key to unlocking the full potential of your brew. With the knowledge of how to tamp down espresso grounds, you hold the power to create a truly exceptional cup of coffee. Remember the importance of even distribution, appropriate pressure, using the right tools, and avoiding common tamping mistakes. 

Cheers to perfectly tamped espresso and unforgettable coffee experiences!

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