Aeropress vs Percolator: Which One Wins the Taste Test?

Aeropress vs Percolator: Which One Wins the Taste Test?

Coffee lovers, it's time to brew up some controversy!

Our contenders this time around are the Aeropress and Percolator.

Both have their loyal fans and detractors. Some people prefer the compact and practical design of the Aeropress while others may better like the sleek and metallic look of the Percolator.

But while the design and functionality are weighty factors, the real selling point is the quality of the brew each coffee maker produces.

So, in the Aeropress vs Percolator competition, which one wins the taste test?

Coffee made using percolators is generally robust and slightly bitter, making it an excellent choice for those who desire a strong, full-bodied cup of joe. On the other hand, Aeropress coffee is clean, smooth (almost silky), and has noticeably deeper flavor notes. It’s hard to call a winner; the choice boils down to personal preference.

Exploring Two Popular Brewing Methods: Aeropress and Percolator Coffee

The Aeropress coffee maker was invented in 2005 by Alan Adler, a physicist who wanted to create a device that could quickly and easily produce a great cup of coffee. Whereas the Percolator has been around since way before (the 1800s) and has undergone multiple evolutions to become the electric and stovetop versions we know today.

Although the Aeropress and Percolator come from different backgrounds, the former has carved a niche with specialty coffee enthusiasts, while the Percolator has been a household staple for generations.

The Aeropress comprises three key components: a plunger, a chamber designed for ground coffee, and a paper filter. Conversely, the Percolator consists of a heating element, a water reservoir, a coffee basket, and a chamber to store brewed coffee. At first glance, the Percolator appears bulky, while the Aeropress boasts a more compact design.

The main difference between the two methods is in how each tool extracts coffee flavor from the beans – an Aeropress uses pressure to extract the coffee's essence, while a Percolator continuously recirculates hot water through the coffee grounds to achieve the same result.

Another essential difference is the brew time; an Aeropress requires 2–3 minutes to produce a steaming cup of coffee, but with a Percolator, you might have to wait up to 10 minutes.

So if you usually wake up groggy in the mornings and want a quick fix, an Aeropress is the brewing tool of choice.

Mastering the Perfect Grind: How Grind Size Affects Your Brew

Mastering the art of delicious coffee making requires a good understanding of grind size. That’s because the size of your coffee grounds affects the extraction process, which is the main determining factor behind your brew's flavor, body, and strength.

For example, a coarser grind is perfect for methods like a French press or cold brew, where the coffee grounds are submerged in water for an extended period. On the other hand, finer grounds work best for espresso, which is quickly extracted under higher pressures.

The Aeropress and Percolator brewing methods are similar. For instance, Aeropress ground coffee is usually medium-fine or medium-coarse, while a Percolator brews a better, more balanced cup with a coarse grind.

Adjusting your grind size can also help you achieve your desired flavor profile. If your coffee tastes too weak, try a finer grind to increase the strength. A coarser grind helps tone down the extraction process if it tastes too bitter.

But be careful not to overdo it—using too fine a grind can lead to over-extraction, resulting in an unpleasant, ashy taste. And using too coarse a grind can lead to under-extraction, resulting in a watery, sour cup.

To create a delicious cup of coffee, choosing the right grind size is crucial. Although there are set standards for both the Aeropress and the Percolator, feel free to experiment and explore new possibilities. Minor adjustments to the grind size, whether slightly coarser or finer, might result in the perfect cup!

The Importance of Water: Temperature, Ratio, and Quality in Coffee Brewing

Tinkering with water makes little sense when experimenting with different brewing tools. Still, the temperature, ratio, and quality of your h2o significantly impact your coffee’s flavor and quality.

When using an Aeropress, the ideal water temperature is around 175-185°F (80-85°C), and the ratio of coffee to water is 1:16, i.e., 1 gram of coffee for every 16 grams of water. So, for example, if you're using 16 grams of coffee, you'll need 256 grams (or milliliters) of water.

With Percolators, brewing requires heating water to 195-205°F (90-96°C). Here, the coffee-to-water ratio is higher at 1:20, meaning 1 gram of coffee for every 20 grams of water.

The quality of water can impact the taste of your coffee. That’s because tap water can have impurities or minerals that may alter the flavor of your brew, so it's best to use filtered or purified water.

When selecting a water filtration system, choosing one that removes unwanted particles without stripping the water of its natural flavor is essential. Some filters may also add minerals back into the water, enhancing the taste of your coffee.

To sum it up, water quality is just as important as the choice of coffee beans. As such, identifying the ideal water temperature and ratio for your chosen brewing method and the best water filtration practices ensures taste and consistency.

Filter Choices: Comparing Paper, Metal, and Other Filters in Aeropress and Percolator Brewing

Baristas can choose from various filter types, including paper, metal, and cloth.

Paper is the most commonly used Aeropress coffee maker filter type because it’s inexpensive and disposable. Also, it results in a clean cup with little to no sediment. However, it may strip some of the coffee's natural oils and flavors, resulting in a less complex – and, according to some, bland – taste.

Metal filters, however, allow for more oils and flavors to pass through and produce a full-bodied cup. They are also reusable and environmentally friendly, but they are difficult to clean and allow more sediment to pass through.

Finally, cloth filters – when used correctly – produce a smooth and rich cup but require more maintenance and can introduce unwanted flavors if not cleaned and cared for.

Here's a table detailing the pros and cons of each.

Filter Type




Easy to use, clean, and dispose of. Can produce a clean and bright cup.

Can restrain desirable oils and flavors, depriving some of the richness of the coffee. Can also tear or puncture easily.


Reusable and environmentally friendly. Can produce a full-bodied cup with more oils and flavors.

Can harbor bacteria if not properly maintained. May also allow some sediment to pass through


Also reusable and environmentally friendly. Can produce a smooth and full-bodied cup.

Is prone to clogging and may require pre-wetting before use.


Some alternative materials include ceramic and plastic.

Not as widely available as the other options. Each option’s effectiveness may vary.


A Dive Into Flavor Profiles: Understanding the Taste Differences Between Aeropress and Percolator Coffee

Coffee from both Aeropress and Percolator have distinct flavor profiles. Aeropress coffee has a cleaner taste, bright acidity, and a lighter body. Conversely, Percolator coffee is known for its full-bodied, rich flavor and bitter aftertaste.

The difference in the flavor profile stems from differences in the brewing process. For example, Aeropress brewing uses pressure and shorter brewing times to extract the flavors quickly. But Percolator uses longer brewing times and higher temperatures to extract more oils and flavors, leading to a fuller and richer cup.

Of course, the taste is subjective and is influenced by factors like the type of beans used, roast level, and brewing time. But understanding how the brewing process affects the taste can help you make better choices when brewing your favorite cup.

Professional Tips and Techniques for Getting the Most Out of Your Aeropress and Percolator

The art of coffee brewing requires the right tools and a mastery of techniques and recipes to achieve a perfect cup. In the following section, we’ve compiled a list of professional tips and techniques to assist you in creating the ideal brew every time.

Let's start with the Aeropress. According to James Hoffmann, the 2007 World Barista Champion, here's the perfect Aeropress coffee recipe:

  •     First, place a paper filter in the cap and attach it to the brew chamber.
  •     Add 11 grams of ground coffee, pour 200 grams of hot water over the grounds, and let it steep.
  •     Give it a gentle swirl, let it sit for a bit longer, then press gently on the cup.
  •     Keep pushing through the hissing.

And voila, you have the perfect cup of coffee.

To enhance and refine your coffee's taste, consider using proper water temperature, which is between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit, and controlling your brewing time. With the Aeropress coffee machine, you can control the brewing time by adjusting the amount of water and coffee you use.

For percolator users, use coarsely ground coffee – always use fresh, filtered water and preheat the water to the desired temperature. Letting the coffee steep for a longer time will result in a more robust flavor, while a shorter steep time will produce a milder flavor.

Lastly, saving techniques and maintenance tips will help prolong the life of your Aeropress coffee machine or percolator. Always clean your brewing equipment after each use, store it in a dry and safe place, and descale your machine regularly to prevent mineral buildup.

The Ultimate Coffee Experience: Choosing the Best Brewing Method for Your Preferences

After reviewing this blog, you should better understand what to expect when choosing between Aeropress and Percolator brewing methods. Although the decision can be challenging, the information presented should guide you toward selecting the best brewing tool for your needs.

Still, we encourage you to expand beyond just these two options. The world of coffee brewing is vast and full of surprises. That’s why we highly recommend the Lux Haus Moka pot. This brewing method produces a rich and intense flavor that rivals espresso. With its stainless steel design and ease of use, expect to taste superb coffee with each brew!


Here are answers to some popular questions regarding brewing coffee using Aeropress, Percolator, and other coffee makers.

Is There Anything Better Than Aeropress?

Aeropress is a fantastic coffee maker; it excels at producing a clean and crisp cup of coffee, but some may prefer the richness and boldness of the French press or the complexity of pour-over. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what brewing method produces the best coffee according to your taste.

Does Aeropress Taste Better Than Pour Over?

As for whether Aeropress is better than pour-over, the answer depends on personal preference. Aeropress produces a more full-bodied and smooth cup, while pour-over can bring out more delicate flavors. But, of course, both methods have their strengths and weaknesses, so it's up to you to experiment with both and decide which you like best.

Which is Better Aeropress or Moka?

While Aeropress and Moka Pot are both great options, the Moka Pot is the superior choice for coffee lovers who want a richer and bolder flavor profile. Its unique brewing process creates a robust cup of coffee that the Aeropress can't match. In addition, a Moka Pot is generally more affordable and durable than the Aeropress coffee maker.

If you're looking for the best brewing method between Aeropress coffee maker vs Moka Pot, the latter is the clear winner.

Is Aeropress Really Better Than a French Press?

In the Aeropress coffee maker vs. French press debate, it comes down to personal taste preferences. Aeropress coffee is cleaner and brighter, while French press coffee has more body and oils. In addition, Aeropress is faster and easier to clean, but the French press allows larger batches. Ultimately, both methods have their strengths, but if you want a smoother and less gritty cup, Aeropress is the way to go.

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